Who We Are

From our pastors

 Our Guiding Vision

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

-PROVERBS 29:18-

Rely on the Holy Spirit

Advance through prayer and praise

Develop servant leaders

Invest in the kingdom

Attract people to Christ

Navigate through life in community

Transform lives through the Word of God

Women in Ministry

What does the Bible say about women in ministry? watch this special message from Pastors Todd and Kelly Hudnall as they discuss a controversial and often misunderstood topic in the Bible.

Our mission

At Radiant, we are committed to our mission of Honoring God by growing a community of passionate followers of Jesus Christ who impact their world.

We would like to invite you to join us on The Ascent, which is Radiant’s mission in action, as well as a personal discipleship path for spiritual growth.


The four areas of our mission make up the four trail markers along The Ascent.

As we make The Ascent we discover:

How to honor God by living a life of WORSHIP

How to CONNECT with others in Biblical community

How to GROW spiritually

How to discover your gifts and calling to IMPACT our world


The Ascent is designed to help you explore what Radiant Church is all about. You will see the heartbeat of God through his people and the leadership of the church, while also discovering how you fit here at Radiant. This unique discipleship class is the track for membership. Whether you choose to commit to membership or not, we are confident that you will benefit from The Ascent!

 Our Deepest Convictions

The Bible is the source that shapes our understanding of Him. We are convinced that the Bible’s message is inspired by God and that it provides humanity with a clear path toward a relationship with Him.

There is one God. He created us. He loves us. His desire has always been that we enjoy deep and healthy relationship with Him. He is known as the Trinity, three co-equal persons who have always existed: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He voluntarily entered humanity by being born of a virgin. He lived a sinless life, died on a cross, and rose from the dead to pay for our sins. Forgiveness of our sins and right relationship with God are found through Him alone.

The Holy Spirit draws all people to Christ. He enters our lives when we receive Christ. He is active in our daily lives, giving power and spiritual gifts to believers for growth and service.

The church of Jesus Christ is made up of all people everywhere who know Him as their Lord and as one who can truly forgive their sins. Jesus will return some day to bring justice and to establish a new heaven and a new earth.

Radiant Church - Colorado Springs, CO
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4020 Maizeland Rd. Colorado Spring CO 80909